Friday, October 21, 2005

Skywalker yet to gain popularity

Skywalker yet to gain popularity
New Indian Express

BANGALORE: It is hard to miss the skywalker near the bus stop in Jayanagar IV block.

The most notable characteristic is that nobody uses it, even though its purpose is to ease traffic congestion and ensure pedestrian safety.

Says Jayanth, a shopkeeper, ‘‘The project was not properly planned. For instance, it takes only a few minutes to reach the other end of the road”.

“But it takes longer if one takes the skywalker. The steps leading up are difficult for senior citizens to climb.’’

People feel that the skywalker is used more for advertising than for public convenience.

However, corporator N Nagaraju disagrees. ‘‘Not many use it in the daytime. Night hours are different”.

“The project was launched a few months ago. It will take time for people to understand its purpose”.

“Only then can conclusion about its utility. If more people use the skywalker, traffic congestion will be reduced and pedestrians will be secure. People like to use it,’’ he adds.

Vidya, a home-maker, says that the footbridge serves a good purpose during peak hours.

‘‘It is difficult to cross the road in the evening. So we take the bridge. Moreover, to save a few minutes we cannot risk our lives”.

“In fact, I suggest the Government to construct one more footbridge here,’’ she concludes.

Corporator Nagaraj claimed that skywalker was constructed with money provided by sponsors and the BCC did not spend a penny.

‘‘Sponsors have spent Rs 50 lakh. Even electricity charges and taxes are paid by them”.

“It may not be popular now, but will surely serve the people better in the coming days,’’ he adds.


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