Monday, August 06, 2007

Bangalore one centre in all wards

Bangalore one centre in all wards
Thursday August 2 2007 12:37 IST

BANGALORE: The city might just get a Bangalore One centre in each of its ward if Additional Chief Secretary Neerja Rajkumar has her way.

Addressing the media after the opening of the Bangalore One centre at MS buildings on Wednesday, she said it was the ultimate dream to have a centre in each ward, but the main obstacle was the obtaining of land for the setting up the centres.

The long-awaited opening of 20 mini Bangalore One centres at BDA’s e-pragathi kiosks will have to wait a little longer as PWD works at the centres is still not complete.

E-procurement: Neerja Rajkumar also said that they are presently working on the e-procurement project, where government departments would be adopting e-procurement for all transactions from tendering to contract management to payments.

About 10,000 contractors are already being trained through workshops seminars and conferences to familiarise them with the systems. About six departments have been identified including PWD, Health, Education and KPTCL for this project.

Once implemented, it could bring greater transparency and accountability by making all processes electronic and eliminating the need for any physical process.

Earlier, inaugurating the Bangalore One centre, Chief Secretary P B Mahishi said the services are available from 8 am to 8 pm on all the working days of government of Karnataka.


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