Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The city has nightlife, but the wrong kind

The city has nightlife, but the wrong kind

K.V. Subramanya, The Hindu

Accidents, muggings and blatant disregard for rules make Bangalore a risky place to be at night time

Nearly 30 per cent of the accident deaths in the city occur during night

The highest number of muggings are reported during the night

Bangalore: Driving on Bangalore roads during the night has virtually turned into a tryst with death. A quantum leap in the night traffic, gross violation of traffic rules and absence of enforcement have resulted in a jump in road accidents during the night.

Two-wheeler riders and those riding pillion are the major victims of road accidents during the night. Road accidents that occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. account for nearly 30 per cent of the total accident deaths in the city. An analysis of the accidents shows that more people are killed in incidents reported between 9 p.m. and midnight, the police say.

As traffic signals are switched off at 11 p.m., and with no enforcement during the night, drivers not only over-speed but also violate other traffic rules, resulting in accidents. The private drag races during the night and drunken driving have also contributed to increase in accidents.
One-way rule violation

According to the police, many accidents have occurred when drivers violated one-way rule during the night and early hours of the day. Though the police have been taking up special drives to check violation of one-way rule during the early hours of the day, the problem still persists, they say.

With Ring Roads facilitating unhindered traffic flow, motorists over-speed on these roads and ram road medians, mainly during the night. “Self-accidents,” as the police describe them, have claimed many lives in the recent years.

Senior police officials opine that strict enforcement of traffic rules throughout the night has become imperative with Bangalore’s traffic scenario undergoing a sea change after the influx of information technology (IT) companies, business process outsourcing (BPO) firms and call centres to the city. As these work round the clock, the volume of traffic during the night has gone up considerably. In fact, the traffic volume at night time today almost matches the daytime traffic of a few years ago. The increase in traffic and little enforcement by the police have led to a rise in the number of road accidents during the night and the early morning hours.

While the top brass of the police want to have regular shifts for the traffic personnel throughout the night to ensure better traffic management, the same has not been possible due to staff shortage.

The State Government has taken the matter seriously and has promised to recruit 2,000 personnel exclusively for traffic duties. Once the recruitments are completed, we might have full shift throughout the night, a senior official said.

Of late, traffic signals are not switched off even during the night at six important junctions in the central parts of the city. But, still motorists are found violating rules at these junctions, he said.

The increase in the number of robberies on road has also created a scare among the people driving during the night. A glance at the city’s crime scenario reveals that the highest number of muggings is reported during the night.

Armed robbers waylaying motorists, attacking them with weapons and taking away their cash and valuables have become practically endemic in the city. A typical example is the case of a real estate agent being waylaid and robbed of Rs. 2.5 lakh cash at knife-point by a three-member gang near Jakkur Aerodrome last week.

There have also been incidents of software engineers, returning home from work late, being kidnapped and murdered by robbers. Besides, there have been several cases of autorickshaw drivers and their accomplices robbing the passengers during the night.

Such incidents have been taking place mainly due to poor patrolling. Though the police claim that they have intensified this exercise, there has been no let up in robberies on road.


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