Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pouring out woes

There is no one in the government who can stand up and do something concrete to improve the city. Basically, bureaucrats and politicians are lacking passion and love for the city. The government should appoint a special task force to monitor city authorities and launch an infrastructure awareness campaign for the public. As for the industry contributing to infrastructure development, I think such development is the government’s business. The industry already contributes significantly to the state exchequer.
— Bob Hoekstra, CEO, Philips Software

Traffic congestion is the top among the things that bother many commuters in the city. To tackle this, the state has to introduce an effective traffic management system.
— Nandan M. Nilekani, MD, CEO and president of Infosys Technologies

We cannot afford to have such traffic anarchy and chaos on our roads. It’s awful to see traffic jams on Airport Road even at 11 pm. We should draw a doable comprehensive traffic management plan and have a time-bound approach to implementing it.”
— Tiger Ramesh, COO, iGate

There is a crisis. But the government is not showing any sense of urgency. We should have a separate infrastructure minister to bring greater focus to this area. Currently, P G R Sindhia is handling industry and finance, and the infrastructure development department also comes under him.”
— R K Mishra, vice president in Flextronics and member of state government’s empowered committee on road infrastructure

We can’t get our roads more congested. De-congestion will require very little resources and efforts from the government.
— Sudip Banerjee, president (enterprise solutions), Wipro


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