Sunday, September 11, 2005

What is the BCC’s contribution?

What is the BCC’s contribution?
The Times of India

Bangalore: One cryptic answer for this question is: Asphalting of roads, filling up potholes, desilting drains and complete the flyover works.

BDA commissioner M N Vidyashankar:
Absence of mass transport system is the biggest problem. If this system is put in place, 90 per cent of the problems will be addressed as half the load on roads will be taken off.

The BDA has completed and commissioned the Outer Ring Road. We are shortening the 18 km stretch connecting Magadi road and Mysore road to 5 km at a cost of 49.6 crore. The ongoing work on Anand Rao circle flyover will be completed by this November.

DCP traffic, M A Saleem:
The main problem is that we don’t have an efficient public transport system. Other problems are the sudden growth of the city leading to increased number of vehicles and hence congestion. Another project is to ensure that the industries switch over from personalised vehicles to public transport. An area traffic control system will be introduced for better regulation where all the traffic signals can be controlled at once place.

Ramesh Ramanathan, Janaagraha:
The project to clean up stormwater drain has been in the pipeline for a long time; we need to strengthen the 4,000 km of road network which may cost Rs 50 lakh to Rs 75 lakh per km; the solid waste has to be neatly disposed. We need better transportation system and at the same time cannot leave behind the poor. Looking at the overall scenario, Bangalore needs at least Rs 2,500 crore to Rs 3,000 crore to put everything in place and there cannot be a piecemeal solution. But when you look at the income, you are not even generating 30 per cent of the revenue.


•Sturdy roads without potholes that can withstand monsoon.
•A good drainage system.
•A solid waste management system to dispose of 2000 odd tonnes of garbage generated daily, which otherwise is dumped at vacant space.


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