Sunday, September 11, 2005

Other groups may log out

Other groups may log out
Deccan Herald

Even as Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce chose to go the Bangalore Forum for Information Technology way by logging out of IT.In to protest against the city’s dismal infrastructure, other trade and industry associations are wondering whether to boycott the IT extravaganza.

Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) is also planning to boycott the event. The response of the 25-odd IT members of FKCCI seems to be lukewarm. “IT companies are disappointed with the Government’s apathy to the woes of Bangaloreans. Stepping out of IT.In is the only way they can react to the deteriorating situation,” said Raj Bhasin, chairperson of the IT panel of FKCCI.

Meanwhile, FKCCI President S Babu said he would stand by the decision of BCIC. “Though FKCCI does not have a strong presence of IT companies, we can understand what they are going through. Bangaloreans are crying for better roads and improved traffic management, but no one is listening. There is no other way to express our displeasure,” Mr Babu said. The final decision is expected to be made by September 18.

The other major association, Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), which has over 20 per cent of its members from the IT industry, refused to comment on the matter.

However, sources reveal that CII is committed to supporting the Government by participating in IT.In.

A day after pulling out of IT.In, President of BCIC Anant Koppar said, “If the chief minister wants to have a dialogue, we are open to it. If the Government is committed to improving infrastructure in the city, we will support them,” Koppar said.

Meanwhile, IT Secretary Shankarlinge Gowda expressed confidence that the mela would be a success with or without BCIC and BFIT participation. “What do you mean by infrastructure?” he retorted, when Deccan Herald contacted him.

“Infrastructure facility cannot be narrowed down to only potholes and traffic jams. It is much more than that. IT.In is a State-level event, we have to think of the larger good rather than the interests of few associations,” Mr Gowda said.

“The Government is committed to improving the situation in Bangalore. Projects related to metro, international airport and the peripheral ring road have been cleared. We cannot expect the developments to occur overnight,” he added.


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