Thursday, September 01, 2005

No new infrastructure project in one year

No new infrastructure project in one year
New Indian Express

BANGALORE: With its hands tied on land acquisition and ongoing projects entangled in delays, the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) does not seem to be keen on taking up any new infrastructure projects.

Since 2004, it has initiated no new projects. Pending projects is not exactly a labour of love for the BDA.

The BDA has become just like what it was before, say in the mid-1990s, when it survived by auctioning off corner sites.

It has not been able to take up any layout project either, with its appeals against a single judge order pending before a division bench of the High Court.

Justifying its pace of work, a BDA official said, “The projects are big and need time to shape. They cannot be formed overnight.”

The only projects on which the BDA is working are flyovers at Airport Road, Jayadeva Circle, Anand Rao Circle, the peripheral road, and the casualty block in Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital.

The much-hyped hi-tech city and Arkavathy layout are hanging in delicate balance in the High Court.

The BDA has refunded the initial deposits of the “probable allottees” of the Arkavathy layout, and the fate of the layout looks dark.

Chief Minister Dharam Singh on Tuesday said that providing the City with necessary infrastructure was top on his Government’s agenda. He has said that 15 more flyovers were on the cards for the City.

After constant complaints from IT companies, Union IT and Communications Minister Dayanidhi Maran had urged the Prime Minister to sanction Rs 500 crore under the Central Scheme for Critical infrastructure for the city and build 50 flyovers.

With the pace at which work is happening, will these big appeals and proposals materialise?


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