Thursday, September 01, 2005

SOS to PM: Set up task force to monitor cities

SOS to PM: Set up task force to monitor cities
The Times of India

Bangalore: An umbrella organisation of non-governmental organisations, civic groups, builders and development professionals, has urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to immediately set up a task force on Indian cities.

These groups, which have come under a habitat forum known by the abbreviation ‘INHAF’ in Bangalore, feel the task force should draw up a roadmap ensuring cities their “rightful role as engines of economic growth, while improving the quality of living and working environment for all sections of urban population.’’

According to a note from INHAF coordinator Anjali Mohan, INHAF has urged the Prime Minister to set up a ‘National commission on urbanisation and city development.’ For details, contact INHAF on 26545989/26631398.


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