Sudden dip in temperature
Sudden dip in temperature
The Hindu
We can expect a further drop, says Meteorological Department
Bangalore: Woollens are out of the wardrobe with the first sign of a dip in temperatures in the city. Bangalore has been experiencing a sudden dip in temperatures for the past week, according to figures available with the Meteorological Department.
A.L. Koppar, Director-in-charge of the department, has said that winter has set in, which explains the sudden drop in temperatures. With the onset of the winter season, the temperature varies from normal to a few degrees below normal. "The city got the first feel of winter on November 23 last," he said.
Dr. Koppar said that the onset of winter varied every year. "The first feel is almost always during the third or fourth week of November. It has never been in the beginning of that month," he said.
After the "first feel", the temperatures in the city rose again. The city is experiencing a second round of dip in temperatures. "The temperature has been varying between 14 degrees Celsius to 16 degrees Celsius," he said.
He also said that the cold and dry weather was likely to continue till the end of January. The cold periods would get longer. "We have to brace ourselves for four weeks to six weeks of cold," he added.
Over the past five years, the lowest minimum temperature in the city (in December) was in 2001 when the temperature fell to 12.3 degrees Celsius. In 2002, it was 12.5 degrees Celsius, while it was 13 degrees Celsius in 2003 and 2004. "The lowest minimum so far this winter was on December 2, when the temperature dipped to 14.6 degrees Celsius. We can expect a further drop in temperatures for the next round," Dr. Koppar said.
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