Saturday, September 10, 2005

Metro alignment finds no place in CDP: citizens

Metro alignment finds no place in CDP: citizens
New Indian Express

BANGALORE: Speakers at a discussion on the Bangalore Development Authority’s (BDA) Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) slammed the civic authority for not including the Metro Rail alignment while preparing the proposed CDP 2015.

They were of the opinion that with the city growing by leaps and bounds, there should be a public hearing on Metro rail. ‘‘The proposed CDP has not made any efforts to understand or plan a Metro Rail to improve the poor public transport system in the city.’’

A speaker said when he asked BDA officials why the Metro was totally ignored, they had told him they did not know its alignment and that there had been no discussion with the BMRTL.

The discussion was organised by CIVIC and the chief guest, PSS Thomas, who heads a government committee to hear public grievances, said he was here to listen to all grievances and assured that each complaint or suggestion would be taken up.

The shrinking green belt areas when compared to the 1995 CDP also came in for some flak even as citizens urged the BDA to keep it at the same level.

A.S. Kodandapani criticised the move to grant premium FAR in areas like Chickpet as it would lead to lop-sided development while another citizen said the CDP 2015 would convert the entire city into a Chikpet.

Earlier in the day at Yavanika, where the BDA has displayed the CDP 2015 for comment from the public, a group protested the lack of any meaningful public consultation and violation of constitutional provisions of the state government.


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