Saturday, September 10, 2005

Engineers weigh pros and cons of CDP

Engineers weigh pros and cons
The Times of India

Bangalore: The five-member independent committee reviewing the CDP Masterplan 2015, has so far received 3,000 suggestions and each of these will be looked into, P S S Thomas, who heads the committee, said on Friday.

In an interactive session on the Comprehensive Development Plan, organised by the Institute of Engineers, many engineers and architects debated the pros and cons of the CDP draft.

Architect Prem Chandavarkar said there has been no proper public interaction over the impact of Metro Rail on the people as demanded by Public Investment Board (PIB) in the Draft Master Plan-2015. “The BDA has not analysed the impact of the rail system and its integration with other modes of transportation. They have blindly drawn the Metro alignment map in its draft plan,” he said.

He also made another observation — “Lack of ward-level consultations, including the City Municipal Councils (CMC) and at the panchayat level, before preparation of the CDP to ascertain problems faced by the public.’’

Date extended: The last date to receive suggestions and feedback from the people for the masterplan has been extended till September 20.


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