Friday, September 09, 2005

IT: ‘Bangalore losing its shine’

IT: ‘Bangalore losing its shine’
Press Trust of India

Bangalore: Bangalore’s infrastructural woes are hurting the famed IT industry, Minister of State for Planning M V Rajasekaran said quoting Union Minister for Communication and Information Technology Dayanidhi Maran.

Speaking at the Annual Convention Programme of Bangalore Management Association here today, Rajasekaran said when he met Maran in Delhi earlier this month, he told him that he was "very much concerned" by the infrastructural problems faced by the city.

"He (Maran) said Bangalore, jewel of India, is losing it’s shining. Most of the IT companies are thinking of shifting to Chennai," he quoted Maran as saying.

Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, is also "very much concerned", he said.

Rajasekaran, a resident of Bangalore for long, said he met Chief Minister N Dharam Singh and other senior officials earlier today to convey the "concern."

Roads are in a bad shape in Bangalore, where traffic snarls and congestion are order of the day, especially in peak hours. A short spell of rain is enough to throw road traffic out of gear.

Several IT companies recently announced that they would boycott the Bangalore, the annual IT event hosted by Karnataka Government, slated for next month, to protest Government "indifference" in this regard.


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