Wednesday, February 25, 2009

300 parks for city

300 parks for city

Rohith BR. Bangalore

With the BBMP budget just around the corner, an official said: "The focus would be on developing major arterial roads in and around the city into signal-free zones. Implementing projects under the Agenda for Bangalore Infrastructure Development (ABIDe) would get priority." Sources also said that the BBMP Commissioner would continue chanting his 'Magic Box' mantra, as more underpasses and subways are set to be constructed using the pre-cast technology.
To ensure that city development is a micro-level initiative, the BBMP has decided to allocate Rs6 crore to each of the 147 wards in its jurisdiction. "Works related to infrastructure, garbage disposal and health would be undertaken with this allocation. The investment is expected to touch Rs900 crore," said an official.
A focus area for the Palike in this budget is the implementation of the inner core ring road (ICRR) project. "The metal flyover project to ferry light vehicles from Minerva Circle in Mavallipuram to Hudson Circle would also be taken up this year," confirmed an official.
Another budget provision is the development of three hundred parks in the city.


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