Friday, July 17, 2009

Eco-Friendly Move: Let's go Green

Eco-Friendly Move: Let's go Green

Choose an eco-friendly mode of transportation.
Mathieu RevertFirst Published : 17 Jul 2009 07:05:03 AM ISTLast Updated : 17 Jul 2009 08:46:15 AM IST
BANGALORE: With the highest density of traffic in the world and a traffic population doubling every five years, Bengaluru is rapidly and sadly becoming one of the most polluted areas in the world.
That’s why a non-profit organisation,” Net Impact Bangalore” encourages citizens of Bengaluru to go on a “Green day” today in order to pledge their support for the green initiative and to have a feeling of being useful against pollution by reducing 2.3kg of CO2 emission for each litre of petrol saved.
The organization points at the responsability of each to preserve the Garden city for our future generations.
Every Bengaluru citizen is invited to be a part the effort towards the change they want to see in the world by using bicycles instead of their motor vehicles or simply walking, using mass transportation or car pools to commute to offices or colleges, just for a day.
You could save some of those eight lakh litres of fuel Bengaluru uses everyday and do your bit for a healthier earth. Moreover, it’s a fun and healthy way to begin the journey towards a greener and cleaner Bengaluru.
Net Impact Bangalore is actually one amongst 200 chapters in cities throughout the world and its aim is to bring all the professionals of Bangalore under one umbrella for a greater cause of helping society through initiatives like this green event and more.


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