Saturday, October 04, 2008

Urban development dept yet to okay resolution

Urban development dept yet to okay resolution
By Satish Shile ,DH News Service,Bangalore:
Maverick Holdings & Investments may not find it easy to handle the controversial Eijipura project. But, it was a cakewalk when it came to getting the maintenance contract of multi-level parking complex in Garuda Mall in which the BBMP had its stakes.

The parking complex land is owned by the BBMP but the maintenance of the complex is done jointly by the Palike and Maverick Holdings. The maintenance contract for two years expired in February this year. However, the Palike passed a resolution extending the contract for two more years, till February 2010 as the Palike, which has no elected body, found it difficult to invite fresh tenders.

The resolution dated April 16, 2008 has been signed by Palike Administrator Dilip Rau. However, the Urban Development Department has not yet given its approval for the resolution. The resolution admits that the Palike’s Special Commissioner (Administration) paid a visit to the mall on January 1, 2008 and filed a report suggesting the need for inviting tenders to award the parking maintenance contract. But, the company contines to enjoy the benefit.

The multi-level parking yard, with 14 floors on Magarath Road, was built by Maverick Holdings in a joint venture with the Palike. The total capacity of the parking yard is 972 cars. Both the Palike and the private partner shared 252 and 220 car parking space respectively to park their vehicles. The rest 500-car parking space is earmarked for public vehicles.

Interestingly, the public vehicle parking yard is spread over six floors. Parking for 178 vehicles is been allotted in lower l basement, 173 in upper basement, 20 in first floor, 43 each in 7th, 8th and 9th floors. The resolution points out that the private partner has made arrangements for automated gate, computer billing, code system for vehicles, close circuit televisions common for all floors at his cost. Electricity supply, security services and water facility is common. Right now the private partner has been maintaining all floors of the parking yard.


BBMP Commissioner S Subramanya said that there was no option before the Palike but extend the contract. At the time of drawing the agreement parking place for vehicles of the public was spread over six different floors.
“If I wish to invite fresh tenders I have to call separate tender for each floor. The person who gets tender for the ground floor may not allow vehicles to be parked in parking yard of other contractor. And the private partner may remove the facilities he has been providing. Finally, BBMP will lose revenue. But by extending the contract the Palike will be getting its due. The private builder had expected this at the time of signing agreement itself and made benefit upon this”, he said.


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