Sunday, October 26, 2008

GPS, GPRS in buses to ease traffic woes

GPS, GPRS in buses to ease traffic woes

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I Hi-tech devices for heavy vehicles I ‘ With the installation of GPS and GPRS, it will be easy for transport operators to track their ‘ vehicles in city limits
The transport department plans to install Global Positioning System (GPS) and General Practice Radio Service (GPRS) in heavy vehicles especially buses to solve traffic related problems.

An awareness programme on the applications of GPS and GPRS was organised by the department on Saturday.

“Vehicles installed with GPS and GPRS system will help solve traffic related problems. This system can help in monitoring traffic violations through a computerised data base,” said transport commissioner, Bhaskar Rao.

The transport conference was held to educate transport operators about the benefits of installing GPS and GPRS in all vehicles.

“As of now, the govern ment has not issued a notification about the installation of GPS and GPRS in the vehicles,” added Mr Rao.

Installing GPS in heavy vehicles like buses will help them know about traffic jams. They could then use alternate routes to avoid the jam. It will also be easy for transport operators to track their vehicles in city limits or elsewhere.

This Information Technology is supported by Intelligent Public Transport Management System (IPTS) for solving traffic problems in the city. Transport operators from across the state took part in the conference.


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