Saturday, May 06, 2006

New BMP Chief wants Suvarna Bangalore

New BMP Chief wants Suvarna Bangalore
Vijay Times

SENIOR IAS officer K Jairaj, who assumed charge as commissioner of the Bangalore City Corporation (BCC) for a second time, on Friday said that his desire was to develop the City into a ’Suvarna Bangalore’.

Speaking after taking charge from outgoing commissioner K Jothiramalingam at 10 am, Jairaj said, "I want to develop the City w directions and co-operation from the Mayor , deputy mayor and corporators." "Coinciding with the Suvarna Karnataka celebrations, we will prepare a vision state ment for a Suvarna Bangalore," he said.

The official, apart from seeking the cooperation of officials, also sought the support the public to develop the City .

"I am grateful to the State government for retaining confidence in me and giving me an opportunity again to serve this City , " he said.

"I assure that I will offer my best services to meet the challenges of infrastructure requirements and basic facilities," the new commissioner said.

Lauding the efforts of the outgoing commissioner , Jairaj said, "During his tenure of 22 months, Jothiramalingam worked efficiently , enabling the BCC to take up a number of development projects." "Apart from taking forward projects initiated by my predecessor , I will formulate new projects to develop the City . I will hold discussions with the officials in this regard," he said.

Later , speaking to B BV VT T , Jairaj said, "Apart from giving a thrust to infrastructure development and provision of basic facilities, my first priority will be to clear the backlog work pertaining to the City’s development." The commissioner said that all pending projects would be completed in a time bound manner and added that he would direct the officials concerned to expedite work.

On the merger of eight municipalities with the BCC, Jairaj said, "I will have to discuss the issue with the officials and th government. D Da ay y o on ne e i in n o of ff fi ic o of ff fi ic ci ia al ls s: : Soon after assuming office, Jairaj held lengthy meetings with all the Heads of the Department of the BCC and reviewed the state of affairs in each department all through the day .

The new commissioner told officials and staff of the BCC to keep performance and delivery of goods as the two key guidelines to ensure a clean, dynamic and responsive administration. E En nh ha an nc ce e g gr re ee en ne er r Jairaj urged the Horticulture Department to evolve a suitable plan to enhance the City’s greenery .

"Maintenance of developed parks and employing the necessary watch and ward staff are other key areas to be taken up on top priority ," he noted.

The new commissioner asked the Education Department to ensure that proper drinking water and toilet facilities were pr vided in educational institutions, especially in girls high schools.

The Health Department should take suitable measures to run Nirmala toilets on a regular basis, he added.

Jairaj also asked the zonal heads of the Revenue Department to achieve the targets in property tax collection.

The Commissioner indicated that he was open to suggestions and assured complete support to the officials in all their endeavours.


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