Friday, May 05, 2006

SWR proposes pedestrian area, underpass

SWR proposes pedestrian area, underpass
Vijay Times

THE South W estern Railway (SWR) has proposed that a pedestrian movement area and an underpass be included in the road decongestion project that it will be jointly taking up with the Bangalore City Corporation (BCC). D De ec co on ng ge es st ti io on n o of f The proposal was made when a blue print of the project, which is aimed at decongesting the second entrance of the City Railway Station, was presented to the SWR by the BCC authorities.

SWR divisional railway manager Mahesh K umar said the plan had not yet been finalised as there were certain issues that needed to be sorted out.

"W e are taking up the project at three levels to avoid crisscrossing of roads," he informed. F Fl ly yo ov ve er r a at t O Ok ka al li i "W e plan to straighten and widen roads and also construct a flyover to ease the traffic flow at the Okalipuram junction. However , there are certain improvements that need to be incorporated before the plan is finalised," he added.

"The plan for this mega project, which is likely to cost Rs 50 crore, will be finally approved only when these suggestions are included in the project," Kumar said.

"W e have made these suggestions keeping in mind the technical and practical difficulties that people will be subjected to if they are not implemented. The project will facilitate commuters to have easy access to the second entrance of the railway station," he said.

"The land issue is not a problem as we have identified the land that has to be exchanged," Kumar added.

Road widening

The BCC has offered to decongest the road between Okalipuram and the railway station. The move will enable free movement of traffic between Rajajinagar entrance and Majestic and the City Railway Station. The cost will be borne by the BCC while the railways will execute the job.


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