Saturday, December 11, 2004

Mayhem on Residency and Richmond Roads

Phew! Just made my way through the chaos on Residency and Richmond Roads. Took me 45 minutes to taverse a 2 km distance. Its the first day of the one way system on these arterial roads. While it is too early to declare the move a failure clearly the Traffic Police have miserably failed in preparing the roads for the new system. No signboards, no removal of medians, no lanes, no traffic signals. You only see a horde of policemen looking as confused as the motorist, trying to direct traffic. And a bunch of kids, probably NCC cadets or something, are standing in the middile of this unholy mess and holding up handwritten signs indicating which way to turn to get where. Except they are positioned so poorly that its too late for the motorist to make that turn. And I thought I was clever in avoiding the Double Road flyover. The mayhem must be worse there.


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