Two trees felled in Jayanagar
The Times of India carried this article today:

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It resulted in the said tree being chopped:

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But the report is saddled with inaccuracies. 4 years ago there was an empty plot of land at the spot where the Prestige Sapphire building stands today on 9th Main Road (stretch between III Block Circle and Ramakrishna Nursing Home intersection) in Jayanagar III Block. The said tree itself stood on the footpath in front of that land and posed no danger to motorists. The road at this spot narrowed and curved to the left. The builder reduced the width of the footpath and left the tree stranded in the road. I wrote to the builder fearing that the tree was in line to be felled. The builder responded saying that it was the BCC that had "acquired" the footpath, whatever that meant. Subsequently, till yesterday, the tree had been standing in the same way with the space on either side being used for parking by the occupants of the building.
While it is true that the road was narrower at this point than the rest of the stretch of this road, by leaving the tree exposed instead of being nestled within the footpath, the builder or the BCC, whosoever's idea it was, left motorists at risk. The road was not widened in the last 15 days as per the police's comment in the report.
For four years no motorist came to danger because of the tree. With all due respect to the deceased, would it be possible for the motorist to have met with fatal injuries if he had not been driving at reckless speeds, as is very likely given that the time of the mishap was 4 AM?
Within hours of the above incident the tree was chopped and now its stump has been cordoned off in a haphazard way which is likely to result in more accidents.
In an unrelated incident, a day prior to this, another fully grown tree has been chopped on the same road, just 50 metres away, on the footpath in front of the Kamala Garden School.

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Enquiries with residents nearby revealed that a bough had fallen on a pedestrian. There were conflicting reports on whether the pedestrian had only sustained injuries or had died. Residents also reported that the authorities, for some inexplicable reason, plan to chop all the trees on this road.
Just a year ago, this stretch of road was entirely covered by the canopies of fully grown trees. In the mindless commercialization that is underway presently, half the trees have disappeared and the road bears a barren look.
Photographs: The Bangalorean
Tell me about it!! We live in malleswaram and the forest department is in our area. But these guys are either REALLY lazy or they are just not doing their job right!! We tried contacting them a dozen times. Most of them dodged any responsibility and gave us different numbers. Finally, we got through to this guy, who promised to visit the site in "an hour". Maybe they run in a different time zone, because it hasn't happened yet. As expected the trees and the shrubs fringing the railway tracks have been cut down in turns. Trees are being cut by the tracks that run near Cluny Convent school, the track that divides Malleswaram and Subramanyamnagar. There were people from Swacha Bangalore who neglecting the enormous quantities of junk dumped by the side of the tracks, were busy chopping down shrubs for no apparent reason. They refused to give us their names so we could question the office.Also there are people who own livestock and apparently the trees were getting in the way. They needed the wood possibly. None of these guys had any authorisation letter stating the reason for their actions. So is our forest department lost in the woods??
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