Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bangalore s overgrowth,a cause of concern

Bangalore s overgrowth,a cause of concern
Vijay Times

BANGALORE has grown far too much, which is evident from the incredible increase in its population since 1970. The 2001 census indicated the City’s population 57, 10,446 as against the 1971 census, which was 16, 24,202.

The migration of people in large numbers from outside Karnataka over a period of time has made Bangalore too large.

The concentration of IT companies, which number about 15,655- including 129 multinational companies, employ about 2.85 lakh persons.

The number of vehicles in Bangalore, which is about 24 lakh and their continual increase (about 700-900 vehicles are registered everyday) has polluted the environment extensively .

With its growth, much of the greenery around Bangalore has gone and about 40,000 acres o agricultural land has been acquired by the Bangalore Development Authority , Revenue department, and the Karnataka Industrial Area Development for non-agricultural purposes between 1977-2004.

This has resulted in the maximum temperature during summer increasing by the year and annual rainfall decreasing. The overgrowth of Bangalore has incredibly increased the price both agricultural lands around Bangalore and also the price of urban properties.

And the BWSSB has not been able to supply adequate drinking water to the inhabitants. In total, the overgrown Bangalore has made things very expensive.

The cost of living is very high, education expensive and rents are unimaginable. With this, the middle class is finding it hard both ends meet.

BDA wants to further urbanise Bangalore by 300 sq km by reducing the greenbelt area a has prepared a Master Plan, which projects Bangalore s population at 88 lakh by 201 earmarks 54 sq km for new IT/BT companies and industries to be set up around Bangalor This would worsen things further .

Instead, the government should create adequate infrastructure in T umkur and Kolar towns by creating a few satellite towns on Bangal Mysore Road, Bangalore T umkur Road, Bangalore -Kolar Road and connect them by rail, which would prevent concentration of population in Bangalore.


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