Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Pothole of the day

Ramesh looks for a big umbrella!
Times of India

Bangalore: Am I here only to fill potholes? Is it possible to fill potholes when it is raining every day? Why doesn’t the media write about so many good things that BCC does? Thus ranted mayor P.R. Ramesh when asked about the state of potholes, how many engineers were fined so far etc. “The engineers have been given a message that they have to be on the alert. Why doesn’t the media suggest some measures instead of simply criticising? Actually, right now I am looking for a big umbrella to cover the potholes, that’s the only way they can be covered in the rain.’’

When reminded that it was he who introduced this whole scheme of fining engineers, setting deadlines for filling potholes, he said: “Am I the executive here? Every day I get calls from people who have read newspapers asking how I got into this. How can I implement it every day? As a representative of people I can identify problems...” So far, seven engineers have been fined (this was on Sunday), others have been asked to step up work “because it is not judicious to fine them every day”.

And, Tuesday’s pothole comes from Palace Guttahalli.


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