Sunday, June 13, 2010

Residents to move SC against war memorial

Residents to move SC against war memorial
Even the prohibitive costs of moving the apex court do not deter them in their fight for green cover

The fight for green cover at the Indira Gandhi Musical Park is not over yet. After the High Court dismissed the public interest litigation against the proposed National Military Memorial filed by the residents’ welfare association of Krishna Apartments, they have now decided to move the Supreme Court.
“We had discussed the option of moving the apex court before the High Court verdict came through. Now that the High Court has rejected our petition, disappointing us immensely, we have decided to move the SC,” said Bhanu Prakash, one of the residents.
Even the prohibitive costs of moving the SC did not dent their will to fight. “If we do not fight this now, it sets a very dangerous precedent that will allow the government to permit anybody to build in a park. Tomorrow, they will allow somebody to build in a portion of Cubbon Park. The judgment by the High Court does not focus on the Karnataka Preservation of Parks Act. This project is in clear violation of the Act,” said Sudhir Pai, secretary of the Krishna Apartments Residents Welfare Association.
The association is waiting for the certified copy of the High Court judgment.
The residents have also served a legal notice to the BDA, letting them know of their intent to pursue the matter in the Supreme Court. “In our letter to the BDA, we had cautioned them against going ahead with the project since we would appeal against the judgment. We have told them that since the project involves use of public funds, each officer of the BDA involved in the project will be held personally liable if the Supreme Court awards a verdict in our favour”, added Pai.


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