Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Railway property turns a hub of criminal activities

Railway property turns a hub of criminal activities
Sandeep Moudgal, Bangalore, Jan 25, DH News Service:

The condition prevailing across the Banaswadi railway station in Lingarajapuram is a clear indication of divide of civic amenities between the haves and the have-nots. A sheer neglect on the part of the authorities concerned.

The vacant land adjacent to the railway station has become a flourishing ground for theft, prostitution and drug abuse. With nightfall, residents in the area are rendered vulnerable due the activities of the anti-social elements, who operate on the railway property in the vicinity.

“I remember the railway property lying vacant since my childhood days. It has been encroached upon by anti-social elements due to complete neglect over the years,” rued Anthony, a resident.

Nearly 30 families, who reside opposite to the Banaswadi railway station feel unsafe to walk in the area.

“After darkness it is highly unsafe for any of the residents to step out of their houses. A gang of boys from nearby slums have made the railway property their hub during night,” said Vijay, a resident.

Impossible task

A sizeable stretch of the railway property remains unprotected from trespassing. Moreover, heightened activity in the area has been ignored by the police and railway officials.

Meanwhile, when the Deccan Herald contacted the railway authorities they stated it was impossible to keep a tab on criminal activities on every railway property in town.
“We have large expanse of land in the City and it is hard to keep vigil on every stretch of land,” said a railway official.

The railway land has also become a safe haven for snakes.

Dumping yard

“In the past couple of years we have encountered snakes in our house for nearly four times,” said Vijay. In addition to these the railway property is being used for defecating and as a garbage dumping yard by the nearby slum dwellers.

The residents complained that their woes were not addressed by the BBMP, as the property belonged to the Central government.A signature campaign is being undertaken to create a park in the land to prevent the anti-social activities. However, the railways have declined this suggestion as they would not be able to expand the station in the future if they allow the creation of park.


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