Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Modern skywalks for city

Modern skywalks for city

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BBMP has pla nned skywalks with escalators at eight busy junctions in the city to help senior citizens and children cross busy roads.

Tenders have been issued and two companies identified to install the skywalks with escalators on a PublicPrivate-Partnership basis at the eight strategic locations in the city.

The two companies, Prakash Arts and Laksha Media will operate the escalators for 10 years on a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer basis, according to BBMP chief engineer (roads) K.S. Krishna Reddy.

After 10 years, the skywalks with the escalators will be transferred to BBMP. However, the two companies would continue to earn revenue by leasing the escalators for display of advertisements.

The designs of the escalators are being prepared and the MoU is expected to be entered into with the identified companies in the next fortnight.

Realising that conventional skywalks have not been accepted by the public, BBMP planned 57 electronically operated escalators, Mr Reddy said. While eight are now being installed, the remaining escalators will be introduced in a phased manner, he said.

“Escalators have to be maintained periodically. If they are allowed to be defunct for 48 hours, a penalty will be levied,” Mr Reddy said.

The skywalks with escalators are being set up near Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan on Race Course Road, at Commercial Street, K Kamaraj Road Street , near Pallavi theatre, D’Souza Circle on Richmond Road, Residency Road Junction, near Garuda Mall, near Mayo Hall, near the water junction on HAL Road and near Forum Mall.


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