Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Fear and uncertainty in Ejipura

Fear and uncertainty in Ejipura

A woman washes utensils at the EWS quarters in Bangalore. The residents here have been living in makeshift houses for over 10 years.
Faiza Haneef | ENS
30 Sep 2008 08:20:00 AM IST

BANGALORE: The dispute over awarding the contract for the construction of new buildings replacing the EWS quarters may have been finally settled, but the 6,000 residents here continue to live with apprehensions.

They are clueless about the future, and are concerned about proper housing facilities for them.

It’s been over 10 years and the residents are endlessly fighting the unexpected problems they have had to face. With private builders clinching the deal for construction of new houses, the residents hope for an end to their miseries.

Yet, they are living in the fear that something may go wrong, and force them to live in permanent misery. Nothing is yet clear to us, said Rosy, a resident of Ejipura.

“We are least bothered about who constructs the houses, because what is important to us is permanent shelter. We are tired of living in this pathetic environment with poor sanitation, bad roads and inadequate water facilities,” she added.

“With the government handing over the land to private builders, initially there was fear. But now more than fear it is confusion,” said Luvies Patrick, president of the B R Ambedkar Youth and Social Welfare Association, Ejipura.

“However, the builder who contacted us a couple of days ago, has agreed to our demands. We had asked him to give us about eight acres, instead of seven acres, and he has agreed to it. On this land we want a school and a hospital and he has agreed to it,” Luvies said.

The woes of these residents, who have been living in tin sheds after the demolition of the dilapidated blocks, are endless __ the unhygienic public toilets, absence of proper sanitation and open drains with stagnated water and much more.

It is impossible to stay indoors in summer and also during rain when water enters the houses, said Syed Pasha, another resident.

All these years we were made to suffer with the case pending before the court and when the issue is now solved, we do not want any other hurdle to come the way of the project. We want our houses to be constructed at the earliest and we really do not care if they are constructed by the government on its own or in partnership with private builders, Syed Pasha added.

The 14 acres, on which the EWS Quarters was once located, has now turned into a slum.

The project to construct new residential buildings is awarded to M/s Maverick Holdings and Investment Private Limited.


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