Wednesday, August 02, 2006

HSR residents on warpath against evasive BDA

HSR residents on warpath against evasive BDA

Deccan Herald

BANGALORE:It’s been almost three weeks since theBDA assured residents thatthey would lay the roads inHSR layout. But till earlythis week there was no signof any development. Forpeople residing in Sectorsix and seven,the main linkto City centre - 5th MainRoad - still remains unmotorable.

Since the BDA has undertaken several works inthe layout,most main roadshave been dug up, with justone or two left open to driveon.Office-goers are affectedthe most as they have toface the inconvenienceeveryday. “Each morning,we go through a routine ofroad rage. By the time wereach our workplaces, weare frustrated to the extentthat it affects our efficiencyat work,” said Sridhar, aChartered Accountant.

“Without proper roads,there’s no future for thislayout. There is so muchthat needs to be done to improve the infrastructurehere. It is so difficult to remove our vehicles withslush all over after therains. The BDA officialsjust make false promisesand cannot be trusted,”said BN Ravichandra Reddy,VP(Services),ING Vysya bank.

When questioned, theBDA authorities reason outby saying that since theyhadn’t received responsesfor the tender to lay theroad the work was delayed.But three weeks earlier, thesame officials calmed theinfuriated residents byclaiming that since the roadwas only going to bepatched up before the finalasphalting,it would be doneimmediately.

Now, they have a different version. “We have received the tender notifications for the road, got permission from the Commissioner and we have begunwork,”said Executive Engineer Virupakshappa,adding that the final asphalting for all the mainroads will be done only after all the works, includingupgradation of thedrainage network, are completed.

With downpours almostevery week, it is taking theBDA more than the stipulated time to complete theworks, and residents areleft with no choice but tobear the brunt.


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