Tuesday, December 27, 2005

An eco-drive propelled by children

An eco-drive propelled by children
The Hindu

BANGALORE: The students of Grade 5 of the National Public School, Koramanagala, had their annual presentation on the theme "Eco-Watch" recently. Adhering to the theme, they started an eco-drive on September 20 when they planted 26 Gulmohar saplings in the National Games Village ground.

Many events, including eco-drive, a radio show, Krishi Darshan, a television show on rainwater harvesting, choreography on the theme "Hurt not the trees," a Hindi skit on Chipko Andolan, a power-point presentation on pollution and sharing strange facts about greenery formed part of the programme. The auditorium turned vibrant with the melodious "Tree Song" by students. The school principal Bindu Hari gave an inspiring speech, probably to ensure that her students will remain eco-conscious in whatever they do.

After all, is it not advisable to introduce children to such issues at an early age?

The presentation made the audience take another look at environmental issues.


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