Monday, November 28, 2005

Cubbon Park, anyone?

Cubbon Park, anyone?
Deccan Herald

If you have not gone on your morning walks these past few weeks, because its been raining, then you have missed something. The nip in the air, the clear sky, the pollution-free-ozone-filled-fresh air, the greenery, the fragrant flowers, the cold granite benches, the rain washed, squeaky clean cobbled lanes ....

Yes we are talking about Cubbon park. The hours before the peak hour of 8 am are the best hours when the world waits and does not dare interrupt your time with nature with blaring horns, screeching tyres and speed freaks. You can walk anywhere in Cubbon parkwithout the fear of being knocked down.

On your walk, the sights you can take in are of those playing galli badminton. There’s one group playing the game with a regular net and a proper badminton court near the Press club, then there are those who use culverts as their net.

Cubbon Park has its other attractions too. The regular arguments between dog lovers, when the dogs cross turf and get into a fight. These are amonst the expensive poodles, fox terriers, golden retrievers,alsatians and great danes. Then there those who want to earn their punya by doing dharma by feeding the strays. Cubbon Park is maybe the only park in the city which still has its share of stray dogs. Lalbagh had them until the dog catchers came and got them recently. The strays in Cubbon Park are fat and content. They just lie around and gaze languidly at their competition. Don’t worry they don’t snap or bite or even bark. They are too lazy by far.

If you love bird watching then you can while away your time, watching the pigeons near the High court. They feed on the grains people give them and often you can catch a breathtaking sight of them taking flight suddenly to settle in the nooks and corners of the High court.

Then don’t miss the health drinks - the karela, carrot and kakadi juice, which you will never ever drink at home, but wouldn’t be unwilling to try here. It costs Rs 10 per glass. If this is not to your taste, you can always have fruit instead, from the varied range available from the fruit walas.

Finally if its the weekend, you can watch the streetside games stalls being set up outside Bal Bhavan and on Sundays there’s also live Carnatic music in the bandstand.

So Cubbon Park anybody?


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