Friday, September 02, 2005

Could Gowda versus Singh jeopardise the Metro Rail?

Could Gowda versus Singh jeopardise the Metro Rail?
The Asian Age

Bangalore, Sept. 1: H.D. Deve Gowda’s opposition and Dharam Singh’s steadfast resolve combine to make an interesting political scenario. The issue is not the Congress and the Janata Dal(S) forsaking the coalition government that already seems to be on uncertain ground. It is about the Metro Rail project that the city so desperately needs to help solve its traffic problems. Mr Deve Gowda is against its implementation while Mr Dharam Singh is more than determined to see the project through. Would the disagreement jeopardise the project? It is a question that politicians, bureaucrats and concerned are asking.

The reasons for Mr Gowda’s opposition to anything that is urban and modern have beggared analysis. The cost of the project, the inconvenience that could be caused to the public during its construction and the fact that it is a Congress idea, are excuses enough to oppose it. That the city is crying for it is obvious to anyone who has to experience the traffic snarls and the impossible roads. The question is — how much time would it take?

Already there are forces conspiring against the Metro Rail and one of these is a strong lobby that recommends the Mono Rail has a cheaper and more viable alternative. But whether the Mono Rail can be a long term solution is a matter for debate. Anyway, those who know the subject believe that the Mono Rail can link services where the Metro Rail cannot reach. A sort of shuttle service.

The city has to gear itself for a lot of inconvenience when the project finally gets under way. The traders and citizens living in Indiranagar have made it clear that they would oppose the project tooth and nail if their CMH Road is in any way affected. The losses, if they are relocated, are just too horrendous even to conceive. And governments anywhere in the country are not known to rehabilitate people and businesses in a fair and equitable manner. The fears are justified to a large extent. But then someone has to bell the cat and the Metro Rail has to become a reality.

Kolkatans went through living hell when the Metro Rail project was coming up. There would be endless traffic jams and traffic diversions. But then Kolkata’s size and population exceeds ours by massive margins. The growing fear is that the manner in which this city is expanding in area and population, any delay in implementing the project would only lead to more and large scale complications.

A meeting between the two leaders is imperative on the issue and the planners would do well to come up with suggestions on how the project can get under way without too much inconvenience to the public.


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