Monday, May 17, 2004

Death trap

33% of road accidents in the city last year were on the Outer Ring Road. This road has become such a death trap because of indiscplined and rash drivers and the fact that the road cuts across several interactions which drivers speed across without pausing to slow down. Unlike such roads elsewhere in the world where there are grade separators at intersections to ensure free movement our ring road has none (perhaps a couple) and given that there are very few such motorable roads in our country the temptation to speed across becomes very hard to resist. But that is no excuse particularly when the outcome awaiting one is death. To alleviate the situation somewhat the Comprehensive Trauma Care Consortium is pressing into service 5 ambulances, under the Sanjeevani Ring Road Project, which will ply along the road at frequent intervals in a bid to atleast prevent those deaths which arise out of delay in medical attention.


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