Saturday, March 06, 2010


DTP checks out how the new ITC flyover is impacting traffic in Cox Town and the surrounding areas

The wait is over. The ITC flyover, the construction of which began in 2006, was finally inaugurated on Tuesday after a two-year delay in its completion and a two-week delay for its inauguration. Residents of Cox Town flocked to the flyover to see the inauguration at which CM BS Yeddyurappa was present. Cox Town and the surrounding areas — mainly Fraser Town, Cooke Town and Richards Town — have been plagued by traffic jams and other civic problems ever since the ITC railway tracks were closed for the construction of the flyover. DTP checks out whether any of these problems have been alleviated.

Traffic on the flyover
Since the flyover was being constructed on Wheeler Road, this was the most badly affected area as a result of the delay. The road, which was in a mess because it was dug up, has been asphalted over the past two weeks. Parking for two- and four-wheelers has been provided under the flyover, which will be a welcome relief to shoppers and the shop owners. However, there are no street lights as yet, unless you count those on the flyover.

A jam on Buddha Vihara Road
Even opening a third underpass did not do enough to ease the traffic on Pottery Road. Traffic coming from Banaswadi Road would sometimes be jammed up till Wheeler Road Extension; vehicles from Richards Town would be backed up all the way till the Bangalore East Station back gate; and commuters approaching the underpasses from Lazar Road would sometimes be stuck as far back as the BSNL office. However, it’s now smooth sailing for vehicles on this road, even during the morning rush hour.

Traffic on Wheeler Road
Vehicles heading towards Lingarajapuram, Kamanahalli and beyond would get stuck in jams at the Davis Road-Hennur Road intersection, especially between 7 pm and 9 pm. Now that the ITC flyover has provided an alternative way for commuters heading towards these areas, traffic is much better at this spot.
However, while the flyover has solved these problems, the intersection at Assaye Road — at which traffic from Buddha Vihara Road, Assaye Road, Wheeler Road and Robertson Road converge — is now a trouble spot. While traffic in this area was relatively free-flowing, it is now not uncommon to see traffic on Buddha Vihara Road piled up as far as Gover Road. The biggest concern, however, is that traffic coming from the flyover towards this intersection gets backed up till the end of the flyover on occasion. This is something that the traffic police, with the aid of citizen volunteers, is aiming to rectify.


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