Sunday, November 22, 2009

Life is miserable here...

Life is miserable here...

The few property owners and tenants of Swami Vivekananda Road who continue to run their business establishments, rue the pathetic condition of the road, post construction of ‘Namma Metro’.

A stroll down this stretch makes one wonder if an earthquake had struck. Remains of demolished buildings dot the entire road, reminding one of the havoc infrastructure projects can cause to people.

Residents here say that construction has now made the road almost non-usable affecting their lives. With the nearest bus stop located at Halasuru, those commuting by Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) have to encounter potholes galore, uneven surfaces, deeply dug trenches and non-existent footpaths.

Halasuru also has a number of schools in its vicinity, which makes walking difficult for students during mornings and evenings. Residents also say that entering the temples on this road has become a harrowing task as huge cranes and JCB’s of Namma Metro criss-cross the road and make the task of pedestrians a nightmarish experience.

As a matter of fact, the Karnataka High Court had to intervene and stop the BMRCL from acquiring an old Vinayaka temple, adjacent to the proposed Halasuru station, from being dismantled for the Metro project. This apart, the Old Bazaar street at Halasuru is teeming with vehicles, compounding the problem of bad traffic management.

Naveen Prasad P N, (Sharada Stores) Halasuru since 1948: “We have to endure heaps of dust pollution, since the Metro work began. Many traders have had to fix glass doors, to prevent dust from entering their shops. During rains, mud accumulates and makes it difficult for customers to go shopping in Halasuru. Business volumes and rents have come down in the area. BMRCL should ensure early completion of works”

Lokesh, Sumangali Stores in Halasuru, stationers established 70 years ago: “There are layers of dust, mud and slush from morning to night after project construction began. Of late, most business establishments on this road have seen a drop by 50 per cent in earnings. Even public have been put into a lot of trouble, the traffic is horrible. There are no cops controlling traffic, despite halasuru police station being 100 mtrs away”

Facilities for differently abled

The Halasuru station will be a friendly towards differently abled. The station will be provided with ramps for the handicapped and ductile tiles and Braille buttons in elevators for the blind. The Metro will be accessible for wheelchair bound passengers too, with space being provided for them behind the driver's cabin.

It will be accessible via elevators and escalators. CCTV’s will keep a tab on movement of all pasengers who enter and exit the station


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