Saturday, November 29, 2008

BIA turns a fortress

BIA turns a fortress

Express New Service
First Published : 28 Nov 2008 10:32:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 28 Nov 2008 11:03:27 AM IST

: A red alert has been sounded at the Bengaluru International Airport and security cover has been beefed up in and around the airport’s vicinity.

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), which is in charge of the airport’s security, apart from stationing additional personnel and Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) in different locations of the airport, has also deployed armed men in plain clothes with an order to open fire in the eventuality of any suspicious activity.

A senior CISF official told Express that additional groups of QRT armed with AK-47 have been stationed on the city side. One set of QRT personnel are taking care of the security of passengers going from the airport to the city.

Extra QRT personnel have also been placed at the Haj passenger lounge.

“All vehicles entering the airport are being screened and CCTV cameras have been installed at the vehicle parking bays. Additional personnel have been placed at the check-in counters.

On the air side, mobile patrol squads have been deployed,” said officials.

Apart from placing armed plainclothesmen in different locations of the airport, they have been ordered to take stock of the situation and open fire on finding any suspicious movement.

Similarly, anti-sabotage teams have been formed to sweep out any Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) from the city side. Additional Karnataka State Reserve Police personnel have also been stationed.Officials informed that an emergency airport security meeting was held on Thursday in which all airlines and agencies working in the airport were directed to brief their employees to be more vigilant and inform the security of any suspicious activity.

Flights to Mumbai cancelled

Meanwhile, a number of flights operating on the Bangalore-Mumbai and Mumbai- Bangalore routes were cancelled on Thursday following the series of terror attacks in the financial capital of the country. Most of the flights operating on the routes witnessed a dip in passenger numbers as many of them cancelled their flight bookings.


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