Saturday, June 30, 2007

High-rises in Bangalore can reach for the sky now

High-rises in Bangalore can reach for the sky now
S Kushala | TNN

Bangalore: Bangalore’s skyline is all set to touch Mumbai heights. The high-rise buildings will be taller.
In tune with the changing demographics of the city which is growing vertical, the Masterplan 2015 has revolutionised the high-rise building’s height — what was just 15 mts till now will rise up to 24 mts. This will be 80 feet for both residential and commercial buildings. This is on par with Mumbai where a highrise is almost this tall.
As per the present building bylaws, a ground plus four-storied building is known as a high-rise. But now, it is stretchable up to eight floors depending on the height of each floor; it may vary between 3 metres and 3.5 metres. The Masterpaln’s new zoning regulations do not lay down a clearance or NoC from Fire Forces department for the high-rises. But the planner has to include all the fire safety norms in the structure. Also, the architect should submit an affidavit stating that the building has conformed to fire safety norms. This apart, the Masterplan has carved out new corridors for Bangalore, depending on the density and its usage. It has come up with a mutation corridor for mixed land use and Commercial Axis where development rights will be restricted for commercially exploited areas.
A core area development scheme enables additional FAR (floor area ratio) to small properties that are amalgamated into commercial buildings. This is to erase old shabby buildings in commercial business districts. The Masterplan has incorporated 85 arterial roads that have been listed for road widening.
Another attraction is some sops for three star and five star hotels. The Masterplan has allowed ancillary activities in the basement after providing sufficient space for parking. SOME HIGHLIGHTS
Service apartments identified in masterplan. To be permitted on roads with 12 m width
Valley buffer created — 50 m on either side from the centre of a primary drain should be a buffer; 25 m on either side from the centre of secondary drain and 15 m on either side from the centre of tertiary drain Rainwater harvesting made mandatory. Building owners to get 5% concession on property tax
Buildings with solar heating and lighting to get 2% concession on property tax
Private land of 100 acres abutting a 18-m road can be used for self-sustained integrated township


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